Eliana Miglio wears Pennisi Jewels during La Scala’s gala season premiere.

Eliana Miglio wears Pennisi Jewels during La Scala’s gala season premiere.

Eliana Miglio during La Scala’s gala season premiere wears a yellow gold, silver and diamonds XIX century Tiara, art déco platinum and diamonds bracelet, and art déco platinum, enamels, pearls and central amethist ring.Vanity Fair – Tutti i look alla Prima della Scala per l’«Attila» di Verdi L' Attrice Eliana Miglio per la Prima della Scala indossa una Tiara dell’ ottocento in oro giallo, argento e diamanti, un bracciale art déco in platino e diamanti e un anello art déco in platino, smalti, perline e ametista centrale.

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Gherardo Felloni, Roger Vivier’s Creative Director talking about us on New York Times mag

Gherardo Felloni, Roger Vivier’s Creative Director talking about us on New York Times mag

Gherardo Felloni, Roger Vivier’s Creative Director talking about us on New York Times mag Gherardo Felloni nuovo direttore creativo di Roger Vivier parla di noi sul New York Times

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Vogue Italia – Madonna in Lisbon wears Pennisi jewels

Vogue Italia – Madonna in Lisbon wears Pennisi jewels

Vogue Italia – JUST ONE DAY OUT OF LIFE  – Madonna wears Pennisi Jewels on Vogue Italia August issue Vogue Italia – JUST ONE DAY OUT OF LIFE  – Madonna indossa Gioielli Pennisi

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Pennisi for Rihanna Fenty Beauty launch

Pennisi for Rihanna Fenty Beauty launch

Rihanna wears an Art Deco diamond bracelet by Pennisi at the Milan launch of Fenty Beauty

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Novella 2000 Mag - During the 67th edition of Sanremo Festival Maria de Filippi wears Pennisi Jewels

Novella 2000 Mag - During the 67th edition of Sanremo Festival Maria de Filippi wears Pennisi Jewels

During the 67th edition of Sanremo Festival Maria de Filippi Festival wears a jellow gold and citrine necklace. Durante la presentazione della 67 edizione del festival di Sanremo Maria de Filippi indossa una collana d’ epoca in oro giallo e citrini della Gioielleria Pennisi

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