Georgian era rose-cut diamond chandelier earrings

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A pair of dramatic silver topped, yellow gold and rose-cut diamond earrings. The marquise shaped top centering a gold star suspending an elaborated chandelier pendant with scrolls, festoons, tassels and flowers. The combination of these elements mixed with balance give great lightness. These one of a kind pair of antique earrings were made in Sicily in the late 18th century and brought after a grand tour to England. They were retailed by Harvey and Gore, London. 8.2 cm in original fitted box. 

Paio di importanti orecchini a Chandelier in oro giallo e rose di diamante. Il disegno elaborato che include motivi a festoni, stelle, volute e fiori, tipico del  tardo Barocco, combinati con grande armonia e leggerezza. Questi rari orecchini sono stati realizzati in Sicilia alla fine del 1700, probabilmente in occasione  di Grand’ Tour per essere esportato in Inghilterra e successiva venduto da Harvey da Gore a Londra. 8.2 cm 

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